Many of us make resolutions to start the new year on a healthier, happier note, but did you remember to include sleep health in your 2021 resolutions? Although New Year’s resolutions often highlight health-centered goals such as exercise, a nutritious diet, and mindfulness, it’s not unusual for sleep quality to be completely left off the table.

And yet, your sleep quality is something that can have a massive impact on your day-to-day and long-term health alike – and a resolution to get better sleep is one that you might just find surprisingly simple to achieve. So, as we wrap up 2020 and prepare to head into the new year, why not make it a top priority?

Useful Health Tips

From your friends at MATTRESS360, here are some useful health tips for improving your health through better sleep resolutions in the upcoming year.

1. Incorporating good bedtime habits into your evening routine.

One of the biggest obstacles to sleep comes about long before your head even hits the pillow. As it turns out, your pre-bedtime routine can either help or hurt your sleep quality. Good habits and consistency can significantly improve your ability to fall (and stay) asleep. Each night, start to wind down about 30 minutes to an hour before you’d like to fall asleep. Establish a routine that you follow at the same time every night, and your internal clock will be well-regulated in no time.

2. Unplug before bed.

Today, we all have at least a few screens within arm’s reach at all times: smartphones, tablets, televisions, and computers are all a big part of our daily lives. And unfortunately, screen time before bed has become a habit for plenty of people. However, the blue-hued light of device screens can affect your sleep by slowing the body’s melatonin production, a hormone important to good sleep. By 2021, make it a goal to put away devices about an hour before sleep to better prepare your body for the night ahead.

3. Make exercise a part of your daily lifestyle.

You might be surprised to see fitness included on a list of resolutions for better sleep, but staying active is actually an extremely effective way to get better sleep. Exercising during daytime hours is especially helpful because it resets your body’s internal clock and naturally reduces stress. According to researchers, regular exercise helps you sleep better and longer.

4. Focus on reducing stress as much as possible.

For many people, cutting down on stress is easier said than done – but doing your best to develop positive de-stressing strategies is important in more ways than one. In terms of your sleep quality, reduced stress is directly related to better sleep. So, what are some ways to cut down on stress? Calming music has been shown to be useful, especially before bed.

5.Invest in a high-quality mattress.

Odds are, you’re already well-aware that how comfortable your bed has a huge effect on how well you sleep. And for many people, an old or poorly-made mattress is standing in between them a restful sleep. If your mattress is more than a few years old, you often toss and turn during the night, or if you wake up feeling sleepy, stiff, and sore, it’s probably time to get a new one. Trust your sleep health to a professional sleep store, where you’ll find experts that are well-equipped to help you find a mattress that suits you.

6. Don’t Forget the Pillow!

And of course, don’t forget to upgrade your pillow as well – although it’s tempting to grab an inexpensive pillow from your local big-box store, a premium pillow is a far better option.

Set Yourself Up for Superb Sleep in 2021 with Help from MATTRESS360

If you’re hoping to boost your health in 2021, there’s one key step that can have a huge impact: improving your sleep quality. Not only it is vital that you get enough sleep, but truly restful and restorative sleep is key. Whether you struggle with insomnia, want to work on your pre-bedtime habits, or just want to upgrade your nightly sleep, creating an environment that’s conducive to sleep makes all the difference.

MATTRESS360 is a locally-owned and operated Glendale mattress store, and our showroom is filled with everything you need to achieve your 2021 sleep resolutions. From an extensive selection of high-end, comfortable mattresses and expertly-crafted pillows to quality bed linens and accessories, it’s all waiting for you at MATTRESS360. And best of all, with our affordable prices, you can afford to change your entire family’s sleep habits for the better with premium mattresses, pillows, and more.

Visit MATTRESS360 Today!

Make 2021 the year you get a good night’s sleep, every night. Visit the MATTRESS360 mattress store in Glendale and let our team help you get started on your New Year’s resolutions today. You can also reach us by phone with any questions by calling (623) 376-8360.


Image Credit: Shutterstock/ nito

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